Understanding Water Usage

Many are spending more time at home, whether for work or staycations. This means more coffee, toilet flushes, and dirty dishes – this adds up quick! If you’ve got a water meter, we base your bill on how much water you use. Use more water, and your bill will go up. Use less water, and your bill will go down.

Have a Leak?
If your bill is unusually high due to a leak, we want to make it right. Contact us and we’ll help.
Frequently asked questions
How do you calculate my payments?
Your water and sewer bill is based on your volume and base charges.
Volume charge: Based on water consumption.
Base charge: Determined by the size of your meter.
Will my bill change?
We calculate your bill based on the amount of water you use. If you use more water, your bill will go up. If you use less water, your bill will go down.
Why has my bill gone up but my water usage has remained the same?
We look at our water prices annually. To continue providing you with high quality service, these prices may be adjusted.
See our water pricing:
Why is my water bill unusually high?
You may have a leak. Check your property. If you spot a leak, apply for an adjustment:
Can I change my payment method?
With an online account, it’s easy to keep track of your bills and payments.
Can I get help paying my bill?
We don’t want you to stress paying your water bills, so please contact us:
How much water am I using?
Water hoses and sprinklers use roughly 1,020 gallons of water every hour. That’s about $5.92 per hour.
• Using a watering can instead can be an easy way to save water.
Relax in a bath and you’ll use roughly 30 gallons of water. That’s about $0.17 per bath.
• Swap one of your two baths for a shower each week and you’ll save around $17.68 per year.
Washing a load of laundry uses roughly 20 gallons of water. That’s about $0.12 per load.
• Cut costs by only washing a full load – if you’re washing 3 loads per week and this takes you to two, you’ll save around $6.03 per year.
Leaving the water running while you brush your teeth will use roughly 4 gallons of water per brushing.
• If you brush once a day and turn it off you’ll save around $7.94 per year.
Washing a load of dishes by hand uses roughly 20 gallons of water. That’s about $0.12 per load.
• If you’re washing 3 loads per week and you switch to a water and energy efficient dishwasher, you’ll save around $14.48 per year.
Taking a shower uses roughly 17.2 gallons of water. That’s about $0.10 per shower.
If you take a lengthy shower, you’ll use roughly 42 gallons of water.
• Shave 1 minute from your shower and you’ll save a lot!
These numbers are based off average water use.
See our water pricing: