To provide quality service to everyone, we’ve reached out to our neighbors to see how we can help each other to ensure that our communities have safe and reliable water.

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Current Partners
Western Virginia Water Authority
Smith Mountain Lake is a valuable resource for our community, both for its recreational aspect and the water source it provides for the region. Recognizing this, the BRWA and Western Virginia Water Authority (WVWA) joined forces in constructing the Smith Mountain Lake Water Treatment Facility to serve the region. This partnership helped both Authorities, and their customers, save money since it was more economical to open a joint plant in that location instead of building two close together, with one being in Bedford County and the other in Franklin County. The water facility is owned and operated by both the BRWA and WVWA.
When the water leaves the plant, it is piped throughout the BRWA’s region, from Smith Mountain Lake to the Town of Bedford and even to Forest. Going the opposite direction, the water also flows into FranklinCounty where it supplies water to WVWA’s customers. Due to the location of the plant, the BRWA’s operators are contracted by WVWA to maintain their water system in Franklin County. The two organizations meet frequently to review the plant’s operations and to discuss how the partnership works.
Lynchburg Water Resources
Lynchburg Water Resources (LWR) is another important partner in providing reliable water for our region. In our minds, the more water sources that are available, the better prepared we are to provide continual, safe, and reliable water service to the community. LWR helps provide this by supplying the BRWA with water to supplement customers in Forest, along with other water needs throughout Bedford County. In case of an emergency, this provides the opportunity for us to send water to LWR as well.
Bedford County School Systems
The BRWA recognizes that our school systems are pivotal in our community, and does whatever is necessary to help support our children’s education. This can be done through our educational programs and tours as well as ensuring they have the water services that they need. As much as kids love days off of school, we never want schools to close because there isn’t any water! One way the BRWA helps a few of our local schools is by maintaining their private wastewater systems. This way the schools do not have to employ a licensed operator and can leave it in the hands of our highly trained team!